Whereas when people with intellectual disabilities hear the “R” word it…
hurts the heart
feels like I can never do anything right
is not honor it is a put down
is like a sword, sharp to the point
makes us feel we are not people
is used to separate us from people without disabilities
Whereas the “R” word is also used to put down people who are psychiatric survivors, it destroys the hopes and dreams of others
Whereas when people have this label, it holds them back and
sometimes society doesn’t let you do things
Whereas there is widespread use of the word because people think it is funny and cool to use this word
Whereas, if someone is told their entire life that they are no good because they have a disability, they may believe they do not deserve better treatment
Whereas, sometimes a person feels shame and is afraid to speak up because they fear physical harm
Whereas the “R” word is used a lot on YouTube, My Space and Facebook and this and other hateful language about people with disabilities needs to be addressed
Whereas, when the “R” word is used by organizations such as VOR is wrong, disrespectful and offensive and must be stopped
Whereas, children and adults with developmental disabilities are abused at much higher rates than others. The “R” word contributes to this pattern of violence. It makes it a common thing, acceptable to hurt people with disabilities
Whereas, just because people need help, we are all human beings and all human beings need help at some point in their life
Whereas, when we hear this word we hear:
we don’t want you,
you are different,
you do not belong,
you belong somewhere else
Whereas, the usage of the “R” word has the same impact as the “N” Word, and any other type of hate slur
Whereas, when someone thinks you have that label they won’t let you do what you are truly capable of
Whereas, when they use those words they keep you from finding yourself
Be it resolved, it is time for citizens and local, state and federal officials to:
Come out and put a stop to using the “R” word
Recognize it is not just about being politically correct it is about respect
Use People First language
Make sure people continue to get their supports and/or services when the name is changed to intellectual disabilities
Recognize that Congress passed a bill eliminating the word “R” word
from federal statutes, so we should look to the future, using the term